Recently I Learned
19 February 2024Using KeyPaths in a Result Builder
11 July 2023Using git filter-repo to rename a directory for all commits in a branch
01 December 2022How to prevent failure when attempting to create a directory that already exists
16 February 2022Annotating a closure with @MainActor
20 May 2021Using a do block to provide a limited scope for variables
19 April 2020How to resize windows on macOS using AppleScript
19 May 2021How to prune stale references to remote git branches
11 July 2023Using git filter-repo to rename a directory for all commits in a branch
12 April 2020Specific error values can be handled when switching over a Result
19 April 2020Swift's for case let syntax
17 May 2020Errors can propogate out of a throwing function when they're not caught
20 May 2021Using a do block to provide a limited scope for variables
16 February 2022Annotating a closure with @MainActor
01 December 2022How to prevent failure when attempting to create a directory that already exists
19 February 2024Using KeyPaths in a Result Builder