Daniel Tull: Blog

Shortcuts - Adding Reminders lists and Notes folders to the Home Screen

Monday, 10 March 2025

This is part of a series of posts this week about some ways in which I use Apple’s Shortcuts app.

Sarah and I use Notes to share a folder of recipes and Reminders for sharing a grocery list.

Shared recipes folder in the Notes app.

Notes allows our recipes to have images, be updated with tweaks that we make and crucially stored so we can always find them.

Shared shopping list in the Reminders app.

Reminders lets us use the kitchen HomePod to say “Hey Siri add [insert item here] to the shopping list”.

The only problem I found was that accessing the folder and list within each of the apps wasn’t as quick as I’d like. A solution I found lies in the Shortcuts app.

There is a Shortcut action to show a Notes folder.

Shortcuts workflow showing a Notes “Show folder Recipes” action step.

There’s also one to show a list in Reminders.

Shortcuts workflow showing a Reminders “Open Shopping” action step.

Once you have saved these shortcuts, tapping the arrow next to the title will provide the open to “Add to Home Screen”.

Shortcuts menu showing option to “Add to Home Screen".

You’ll then be presented with a screen to edit the name and icon for use on the Home Screen.

Shortcuts app showing editable icon view.

Once complete, you’ll have icons on the Home Screen that will open directly to the Notes folder and Reminders list.

iPhone Home Screen with Recipes and Shopping List icons.